Dysport is Better for Treating Crow’s Feet, Says Recent Study

When treating crow’s feet, Dysport achieves better results than Botox, argues a west coast plastic surgeon who conducted a study comparing the two botulinum toxin medications.

The study was based on photographic evaluations of 90 adult patients who received Botox or Dysport injections in the crow’s feet wrinkles. As a “split-face” study, the medications were injected on opposite sides of each patient’s face. Before and after photographs (during muscle contraction and at rest) were taken of each subject, grading their crow’s feet correction on a 5-point scale.

Can Dysport Treat Crow’s Feet?

When patients evaluated the photos taken during muscle contraction, about two-thirds of them indicated a preference for the Dysport results. The difference was a full point higher on the wrinkle scale.

However, the authors mention several caveats about the Botox vs Dysport comparison for crow’s feet:

  • When subjects had relaxed faces (no significant muscle contraction), there was no visible difference between each product’s results.
  • Although they claim that Dysport treats crow’s feet more effectively, they can’t make any similar claims about treating wrinkles on the forehead or neck.
  • Allergan, maker of Botox, did not approve of the study methods, challenging their dosing ratio, study length and statistical analysis.
  • Medicis, maker of Dysport, provided funding for the study while Allergan declined to do so.

Although Dysport and Botox are similar in the way they correct wrinkles, the dosage is different. Both manufacturers caution that Botulinum toxin medications are “not interchangeable.” Therefore, if you’ve been treated with either product in the past, it is wise to notify your cosmetic surgeon before you decide to switch.

What are Crow’s Feet?

“Lateral orbital rhytids,” commonly called crow’s feet, are lines that travel horizontally from the eyes. Like other wrinkles, they develop gradually as a result of several factors including muscle contraction (especially squinting the eyes and moving the brow) and age-related loss of skin elasticity. Botulinum toxin, as found in Dysport, is a product that temporarily stops facial muscle contractions to reduce or erase the appearance of wrinkles.

More information

The study about Dysport for crow’s feet is published in the latest online edition of Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery. A summary is available from Healthday News.

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