Tummy Tuck: Mini vs Full

So, that tummy just isn’t want it used to be.  Did you gain weight with pregnancy and your body just won’t return to it’s prepregnancy shape or your weight just got away from you and the tummy needs to be addressed so you’re not self-conscious about going to the gym.  Then let’s discuss how that get that abdomen back into a bikini.

Pregnancy and weight gain can both cause damage to the abdomen.  First, anything that pushes against the abdominal muscles, from the inside, such as intrabdominal fat or a pregnant uterus can cause the muscles to widen in the middle creating “diastasis.”  Then the rectus muscles or “six-pack” muscles aren’t able to support the abdomen or the back.  Next, fat outside of the abdominal muscles (abdominal wall) can make us feel less energetic and eventually lead to an excess hanging pannus (skin and fat).

In cases where there is only a moderate amount of excess skin and fat located below the belly button, a mini-abdominoplasty is in order.  First, liposuction is performed on the entire abdomen and flanks.  Next, an ellipse of skin and fat, no longer then about 8 inches, is removed from the lower central abdomen.  To improve this “pooch” the muscles are usually tightened in the midline up to the belly button.  A garment must be worn for up to 6 weeks to help the skin shrink from the liposuction.  Patients get a well sculpted abdomen with a scar that is well hidden.

When the skin and fat hangs and the fold of skin reaches the hips then a full abdominoplasty must be performed.  Here an incision is made low on the abdomen from hip to hip.  The abdominal tissue is elevated off of the muscles up to the rib cage.  The belly button is left intact.  The muscles are sutured together in the midline and occasionally obliquely on the sides.  The tissue is pulled down, the excess removed and the new location for the belly button is made.  Although liposuction of the abdomen cannot be performed at the same time as an abdominoplasty, liposuction of the flanks can be.  This results in a very tapered and trim waist.  Patients get a well defined waist line with a scar that can be easily hidden.

Both procedures are uniquely suited for specific needs.  I will help you determine what procedure will give you that bikini look.

For all patients in Fairfax, Reston, Manassas, Gainesville, Arlington, Loudoun or anywhere in northern Virginia please call our office to schedule your consultation.

See Pricing & Financing703.752.6608