Plastic Surgeon and Author Appears on GMA Health

Dr. Anthony Youn, plastic surgeon and author of the new book In Stitches, recently appeared on Good Morning America to discuss the differences between male and female cosmetic surgery.

For men, the most popular cosmetic procedure is probably nose reshaping, he says. Dr. Youn explains the way he does rhinoplasty, with incisions inside the nose and scars that are well-hidden. He says surgery takes only about 2 hours, and recovery is about one week or so.

Eyelid surgery is popular for aging women as well as men. The procedure is typically done to remove puffy bags below the eyes. Dr. Youn explains his technique that takes out the unwanted lower eyelid fat without scars. It heals fast because it is mucosa, he says. It heals quickly, in a similar manner to a wound inside your mouth. The surgery requires about one an hour and 15 minutes, and healing requires about one week.

Women wear bangs to cover up wrinkles, while men wear a goatee to cover up weak chin, Dr. Youn explains. He goes on to shows a chin implant and explains his in-mouth chin augmentation technique. One of the benefits – It’s reversible if you don’t like it. For a more defined jawline, there are also implants and fat grafting.

In women, body contouring surgeries are designed to slim down and create a slender shape, while men want enhanced muscle definition. That’s where VASER liposuction comes in. Using an ultrasonic liposuction system, the doctor sculpts the fat on the tummy to create a six-pack appearance, actually enhancing the definition of the patient’s abdomen. As Dr. Youn states, this is an advanced technique that not all surgeons will offer. Using the special ultrasonic cannula, Dr. Youn uses crisco to demonstrate the “melting” ability of ultrasound assisted lipo.

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