Choosing the Correct Breast Implant: Part 9 Visit Your Surgeon More Than Once

come-back-soonAt the initial consultation, patients and I usually decide on the correct implant.  If there is any doubt it can usually be clarified at the preoperative appointment, one to two weeks before surgery.  Occasionally some patients, even with sizers, have difficulty visualizing the postoperative appearance of their breasts.  They’re simply not accustomed to the new look and have difficulty determining if the implants they have chosen are exactly what will give them the appearance they have envisioned.  In other cases patients are often paralyzed by indecision, an over abundance of internet information or just fear of the unknown.

In these cases I not only encourage but insist that patients see me for an additional appointment or more until they are confident in the choice of implant. Although most surgeons don’t do this,  I feel that it’s our duty to educate patients until they are comfortable with their decision.  During these visits it is important to bring multiple different outfits so you can see the full effect the surgery will have.  And as I’ve said before, a sports bra will give the best compression with the sizers.

So don’t be afraid to visit your surgeon on separate occasions until you’re comfortable choosing the correct breast implant.

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